Hip Pads

So, as you may have realized by now, either through my discussions or watching my performances on dragging our heels, Rowena Whey is very confident in her body. Aka, she likes to show skin, and to do this requires not wearing tights! This also means I never wear hip pads. In fact, I don't own any.

While I enjoy the freedom of an uncovered leg and ass, I can't always rely on that body-ody-ody.  This past week I decided to take a new step in my drag adventure and experiment with some new (to me) outfits and shapes.

Cue my hip-pad creating adventure:
  1. 1. Buy foam. Begin the Walmart search for a suitable mattress cover that could double as my foam source. I ended up going with a memory foam pillow, cause Rowena is a classy hoe, and having technologically advanced hip pads sounds right up her alley.
  2. 2. Cut said pillow in half to make two 2-inch blocks of foam
  3. 3. Made a stencil of my hips and ass. So I half-assed this (pun intended). I did not create a stencil for enlarging my ass, because I have generous cheeks already, and I am really only looking to expand the width of my hips into something more shapely. My stencil extended from the hip bone down to just above my knee, and backwards to the swell of my butt, but NOT over my ass itself (remember, widening, not building a caboose).
  4. 4. Placed stencil on foam, and with a sharpie I outlined my stencil onto the foam.
  5. 5. Using a pair of sewing shears (because my exactoknife sucked) I cut out my stencilled hip pad!!
  6. 6. Now, while a square hip might be fun, it does not a realistic woman make, so here came the disastrous part (for my OCD).
  7. 7. Using said shears, I trimmed the edges of my pads until they faded from the centre (thickest) to the exteriors of the pads. Hopefully (because I haven't tried them yet as of writing this part of the blog post) this will allow for smoothing of the pads into my natural shape once tights have been placed over top.
  8. 8. TADA!!!! (end result pictured below)

My living room at the end of this process looked like a pack of wild dogs decided to tear up an 80's couch with their teeth.

Well, I've since tried them on, and am happy to say, success!! It's not a huge change, but just enough of a boost to give my hips that curvy shape, which when combined with my corset, enhances that hourglass shape even further!  Tights are definitely required to smooth them out, but that's normal! 

These hips made their debut on stage at a charity drag show this past weekend! CLICK HERE to see the video and Beyonce-inspired outfit and number.


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