Queer Spaces are Open Spaces
In Response to: “Drag shows aren’t free-for-alls for straight women letting loose” by Jaime Woo, published in the Globe & Mail. Perhaps the stage is a podium, an altar, and a sacred place for people to display their artistry to the audiences of the world, and has been for the duration of history; but if you alienate yourself from all audiences, to whom are you performing? The piece presented previously does exactly that, in an attempt to educate readers, the author alienates a large group of people important to the queer community. A drag show, like any other show, requires an audience to exist, and as a performer you want this audience to grow. Your goal is to spread your art, but if you restrict this growth to within the queer community you prevent yourself from reaching a potential audience of over 7 billion people. Yes, the goal of universal acceptance of the queer community is still a distant dream, but it is still a dream we should constantly pursue. Articles such ...