Bringing Worlds Together

The onset of pride month usually sees an insurgence of LGBT-related events and news around the world, both for the positive and negative growth of the community as a whole.  It is my belief that every little bit of positive, and inclusive exposure the LGBT community has within the general population does wonders to improve visibility and acceptance. There are plenty of organizations working to accomplish this task every day of every year, especially during pride, and this year has been no different. Every day we hear stories of countries around the world and their journeys towards an accepting community. Unfortunately positive stories are often few and far between, but I am pleased to share a few drag-related events from my own community in hopes to excite and inspire others to take similar efforts organizing events. 

First off, let me congratulate and celebrate the House of Homo-cidal (FACEBOOK LINK) for everything they do to spread drag through Edmonton, Alberta, and the rest of Canada.  This year alone there have been countless events organized by these queens, or in which they have played a part. A few of my highlights:

Drag Queen Story-time, drag queens reading to children

"Homo-cidal presents", an ongoing series of movie nights punctuated by drag performances at the Metro Cinema, a theatre local to Edmonton.

Additionally (because this is my blog, and I get to decide what to include, even if the things I discuss don't have the same impact as those above), I have started organizing my own events. While I personally do not have the network many other local queens have on which to build their audience WITHIN the LGBT community, I use what I've got, persistence, and this blog, which (stunning to me every time I see it) has a wonderful international audience of readers.

I have finally melded two of my disciplines - Drag and Fitness - in a real world setting! I am hosting two charity spin classes with the help of Edmonton-based World Health Club to raise money for the Pride Centre of Edmonton.  Enjoying a fabulous workout, and getting a drag experience at the same time!

A paint night for drag makeup, and another charity event (because every little bit helps, seriously) supporting three local organizations. What better way to learn to appreciate the artistry of drag than by trying it out yourself?  This event, while drag-related, is more geared toward those who do not currently do drag. 

I'm sure there are plenty of other events (and seriously, every week there are at least one or two drag shows here in Edmonton), but I can't talk about them all. PLUS, around the world people just like you and I are working tirelessly for equal rights, safety, and security for everyone, always.  For this reason, even if you don't look at any of the links above, please take the following to heart:

Every opportunity for exposure of the community is an opportunity for acceptance of the community.


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