Style is like an opinion. Everyone's entitled to one, but not every one can be right. Style is all about taste. Like food, everyone will like different things, and also like food, my seeing you in something questionable will probably give me an allergic reaction to your horrible taste. But seriously, some people can put an outfit together like no other. These people are usually stylists for fashion magazines and clothing stores, fashion models, or Angel from Rent. People you wish you were, because they have the innate ability to look good in whatever the hell they can squeeze onto their bodies. No, your Instagram thread does not make you a fashion model. Now, let's get this out of the way: in no way am I saying that I have a good sense of style in terms of fashion. In fact, I probably have some very questionable taste when it comes to my outfits, as my favourite patterns are leopard and cheetah print. No, these are not the same thing, and if you need someone to descri...